Monday, 31 March 2008


so as you may have guest dissertation is finished finally and I don't even want to hear the word mentioned again. work has pretty much grinded to a hault this week while trying to finish the glorified essay but i have managed to do some tests of bob as a ghost enjoy.

I also finally got a message from james finally which basically states he has been shopping for the last 3 weeks while me and rach have been strugling to finish our dissertations, James stated at the beggining of our 3 week extension that he had finished his disertation and could work on the film but now we find out he has had a holiday and now me and Rach have to continue to work till the end of the coarse with no break, It seems somewhat unfair we are now 3 weeks behind on the film when James could have continued to work. it just seems really selfish

Saturday, 22 March 2008

STILL Dissertation

i am still doing the remake of my dissertation which has been taking so long no matter how much i get done there always seems to be more to do. i can see the light at the end of the tunnel but its always at the same distance away.

I have been trying to contact James to see how his work is going as he has finished his dissertation but I can not get a reply.

i have been trying to create blendshapes but the dissertation is not giving any spare time.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


The Dead line has now past for the dissertation but my dissertation group has been given an extension due to lack of tutoring now we are getting a new tutor who wants us to have a formative as we did not have one the first time. I am quite worried about having to redo my dissertaion as I really want to work on the film but it is out of my hands at this point.

Monday, 10 March 2008

The Week of the same old

again this week i am STILL doing my dissertation and pretty much starting from the begining. we have had an extension and the new dead line for the dissertation is the 28th of this month but still it seems to be going on for ever. I now have to start from the reasearch stage due to being given the wrong information and not having enough tutoring.

so once again i can't work on the film and instead i am going to be writing but this time i do have the correct information because i got it from the internet!

The only good news is that James has finished his dissertation and can work on the film now even though he has also been given the extention as well.

anyway here is a screenshot to show the Old Peoples Home with assets