This week I am working all over the place there is so much to get done still and its quite stressful and problems keep poping up. I have not got time to texture all of my assets which I would like to do but I have to put getting the film finished before doing what I like, James has said he will Texture the assets for me but he can't U.V them so I have to, I have Modeled a tree for the graveyard which james was supposed to texture but when I gave it to him yet again he could not U.V so I had to and I also textured it for him just incase it was to difficult and I would have to end off doing it anyway. I think the film would be going alot smoother if James could actually do work and if he could do it without acting like he is doing you a favor. The point of working as a team would involve helping each other get the jobs done but james just seems to want to do what he likes without learning anything new which is causing problems.
I have got quite alot done I have been working on the animations which is proving hard as I am not an animator but I am trying to get them done as quick as possible.
I have been lighting scene 3 as well and I decided to change the stairs inside the old peoples home as I am not happy with the ones I originally created. here is a pic of the new stairs, the texture map did that me a while to get right as i wanted the stairs to look used but not unusable 

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