Hello again, not long left now this week has been really hard we are still missing some animations which will be a big problem for rendering if we don't have them ready for friday when we will be rendering.
This week I have managed to work out all the little jobs we have left to do and when we have to finish them, I'm at the moment going through all the cameras to make sure they look as good as possible for rendering. Rachel has managed to playblast the entire film for Ben to do the music to which is great because it means that the music can be done before we render. I have been some what held back this week as well by not having the hard drive with all the files due to james working on it, i got the hard drive today so was looking forward to being able to finish my last animation but i was shocked and quite annoyed to find that the first scene that I had concepted, modeled, textured and lit had been changed without me being told, even though I spent hours u.v mapping and texturing the fence it had been deleted as well as the texture on the rest of fence being change. I have spoken to james to find out why it was change but was'nt really given a good reason. I have now had to spend two hours to put the scene back to how it was originally which has been a big waste of my time as i would just like to get the film finished. After fixing the scene I wanted to start my last animation but when i went to import james's animation of the window cleaner i noticed it's not on the hard drive which is kind of wierd as i thought that was the point of me going into college and picking up the hard drive today, I had attempted to phone james 8 seperate times with no avail so i got Rachel to phone for me who got through first time so I can finally get the file so I can finish which has now wasted three more hours of which I could of been working.
Apart for the problems I've been having the film is nearing the end, i did want to render scene two tonight but without the window cleaner animation it would be a bit hard, I am just going to carry on with the camera for now.
Ross Wilkinson Has helped me with the settings for ambient occlusion tests which look really nice but takes ages to render from I think the point light system works quite well and I think I will continue working on the lighting with out the ambient due to lack of time left.
I have worked out so far all my completed jobs for the film and so far I have animated the old army man, Bob, Crow's, Rocking Tv watcher, Baldman watching TV, Grim and Jahova for Scene 5. I have modeled Scene2/4, Scene3, Bob, Old Army Man, Fatman, Baldman, Template, and assets for characters and environments. I have also done all the lighting and almost all the cameras. oh and more U.V and texture maps that i though was possible to create in a short film.
It is now 12:25am and i have still not recieved the window cleaner animation so I think I am going to call it a night, I'm quite fed up now if you can't tell and I just hope the next week goes better.
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